Sterling Silver Dresser Set Restored

Sterling Silver
Dresser Set Restoration & Repair

Dresser sets can include mirrors, brushes, combs, nail buffers, powder jars, nail files, shoe horns, button hooks, and cuticle knives. Restoring dresser sets is very time-consuming requiring patience and time. It usually takes 2-9 months and $100’s of dollars for each item. I often start working on dresser sets as soon as they arrive because the services of outside businesses have to be used to construct new bristle brushes or resilver old mirrors, adding time to the process,

Dresser set repair and restoration is too complicated and varied to put all the information on one page. Please look at the links below to learn more about the process for specific dresser set items.

CLICK HERE to learn more about restoring DRESSER SET COMBS.

CLICK HERE to learn more about restoring DRESSER SET MIRRORS.

CLICK HERE to learn more about restoring DRESSER SET HAIR BRUSHES.

CLICK HERE to learn more about restoring DRESSER SET ACCESSORIES.

CLICK HERE to learn more about DRESSER SET LIDS.